We Are

We Are

A Coalition of Industry Experts

Independent | International | Social Enterprise

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We Are

Our Purpose

To protect athletes and create a more sustainable, prosperous sporting community

We Are

What We Do

We use evolving insights to develop solutions for sports safety, wellness, and value creation


Everyone deserves to live their healthiest, happiest life. Lasso empowers sport culture wellness and safety.

Sports organizations everywhere – from youth to professional – can use Lasso Safe to prioritize their people’s experience, maximize company value and optimize the human and social capital performance of their business.

Lasso Safe Solutions for Everyone

Healthier communities outperform their peers. Sports Wellness Platform applies the science of mental, emotional, physical and social environments to benefit the health, wellness and performance of your people.

Lasso Safe is an independent verification program and the globally recognized standard for the research, education and certification of safe cultures in youth, amateur and Olympic sport.

Sports Wellness Platform

Healthier communities outperform their peers. Sports Wellness Platform applies the science of mental, emotional, physical and social environments to benefit the health, wellness and performance of your people.

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Lasso Safe Certified

Lasso Safe is an independent verification program and the globally recognized standard for the research, education and certification of safe cultures in youth, amateur and Olympic sport.

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Lasso Safe

We’re a non-profit global coalition working towards the proactive assurance of athlete safety and wellness.

Leveraging a platform developed over 13 years of research, we’re shifting the paradigm from reactive abuse reporting to proactive monitoring and prevention.

Our Mission

Lasso Safe transforms science into impact for the wellbeing and safety of sports organizations and their people.

Our Approach

Our platform uses an expertly designed questionnaire to conduct regular diagnostic wellness reviews, enabling us to identify potential issues before they escalate. Using proprietary AI technology, we can flag problems early on, drastically reducing the instances of abuses.

Our Impact

Through intuitive reporting and trend analysis, we strive to create a culture of continuous improvement in athlete safety. We're committed to not only identifying problems but also providing actionable solutions.

Facts & Statistics

Top-rated safe communities (large facilities) are 25.86 times more profitable than those with a low safety score.

Profitable Sport Communities
0 x
Longer Pro Careers
0 %
Mentally Healthier Athletes
0 %
Greater Economic Impact
0 x


* Pilot Programs in partnership with Fleming Tech Camps

Donate To Lasso Safe

Your tax-deductible donation enables Lasso Safe to invest in research, education and the certification of safe cultures in youth, amateur and Olympic sport.

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