Fees and Requirements

The Cost of Lasso Safe

The costs to pursue Lasso Safe Certification will vary from community to community. The following information provides a summary of current Lasso Safe Certification costs, typical safety cost premiums and typical soft costs. This is not a guarantee that a specific community’s safety design or development costs will match those shown here. This information is provided to give guidance and a starting point for community budgeting.

Project Management Matrix

Quick reference for Lasso Safe Milestones and Responsibilities; includes safety verification submittal requirements to obtain Lasso Safe registration.

Pre-Planning Logistics & Strategy (L&S Phase) Operation & Documentation (O&D Phase) Community Outreach (CO Phase)

Safety Team

Not Yet Assigned

Gather Documentation for Center Summary and Center Narrative.

Attend Operation & Documentation Kickoff Meeting.

Gather Documentation for Prerequisite Kit Submittal.

Gather Documentation for assigned Scorecard Credits.

Gather Documentation for Community Outreach Phase.

Safety Administrator

Ensure MPR’s are Met.

Purchase Playbook (optional) – $150

Purchase Registration Kit – $1500

Hold Leadership Meeting to introduce Lasso Safe to Company and:

– Identify Safety Goals.
– Determine estimated safety budget.
– Assign Preliminary Safety Management.

Facilitate Strategy Design Charette:
Introduce safety management to all attendees.

Select Safety Team.

Create Scorecard.

Assign Safety Team roles in regards to Scorecard.

Assign Logistics investigation and cost analysis.

Finish gathering all documentation for registration submittal and submit registration.

Schedule Prerequisite Consult. (First day – $10,000, Subsequent daily fee – $7,000). Download Credit Prerequisite Kit (free).

Host engagement managers for On-Site Prerequisite consult.

Schedule Prerequisite/High Risk Assessment consult.

Host engagement directors for On-Site Prerequisite and High-Risk Assessment consult.

Gather all documentation from Safety Team for Credit Prerequisite Kit submittal.

Facilitate leadership meeting to review CPR and finalize Scorecard.

Implement credits.

Gather credit documentation from the Safety Team for credit kit submittal.

Gather from Safety Team, Community Outreach Phase (CO) documentation for:

– Media Coordination
– Marketing and PR Strategy
– Alliance Development.

With Lasso Safe

Set-up Safety Management with Engagement manager.

Submit registration for review.

Submit all Prerequisite Kit Documentation and schedule Prerequisite visit.

(Approved or 30 days to reform).

Host Prerequisite walk through performed by engagement manager.

Receive customized program recommendation.

Submit Credit Kit.

Process and requests for clarification (30 days to respond).

Award Offered.

Submit and process credit appeals.

Acceptance of award offered.

Submit (CO) Phase Documentation.

Process any requests for clarification (30 days to respond).

Submit and process appeals.

Certification finalized upon (CO) phase documentation approval.

Receive certification.

Submittal Progress





Lasso Safe Registration Fees
Center Registration may only be completed online within the member’s only-area. Please note that Registration is different from Certification. Registration should occur at the beginning of the process and is a fixed purchase of $1,500 as of 2020. All fees are subject to change, per Lasso Safe, and are non-refundable.

Registration Review
Review: $1,000

Prerequisite Kit
Included in the booking of the Prerequisite on-site visit with no additional fees.

Prerequisite Consult
The first on-site visit by the community’s assigned Engagement Manager and Associate, the Prerequisite Consult is a minimum of a 1-day consult, but can extend to 2 to 3 days depending on community square-foot, incident history and sport division.
US and Canada
First day fee: $10,000
Subsequent daily fee: $7,000

Quotes provided upon request

Prerequisite Audit/High Risk Assessment
Performed by the community’s assigned Engagement Director, the Prerequisite Audit is followed by the High Risk Assessment, a whole-community investigation of safety design. In this consultation, the Engagement Director identifies policies, procedures, operations and attributes that strengthen a safe culture, and insufficiencies that expose the community to incidents.
US and Canada
First day fee: $13,000
Subsequent daily fee: $10,000

Customized Program Development
The Engagement Director’s summary of the High Risk Assessment.
No fee – documentation is included in the High Risk Assessment Consultation fee.

Credit Kit
The Credit Kit kicks-off the Operation and Development Phase and is free through the Engagement Manager.

Certification is a process that concludes at the end of the Operation and Development Phase and when success is achieved in the Community Outreach Phase. Each credit can be purchased individually per the community’s Scorecard design. Fees resemble the impact and complexity of the sub-credit. Fees are available in the Credit library.

Credit Review
Credit review fees are 50% of the sum of the credit cost. This fee is due when the community submits the application for certification review.

Community Outreach Kit
Free through the Engagement Manager.

Community Outreach Phase Review
The Community Outreach Phase Review fee is the final fee before accepting Certification and is a flat fee of $2,500.

Appeals for Prerequisites and Credits
$750 per appeal due with the appeal request.

Recertification Fees
Recertification fees are 50% of the sum of the Certification cost per community. This fee is due when the community submits the application for recertification review.

Gold Certification Rebates
Communities that are awarded Lasso Safe Gold Certification will receive a rebate for the Community Outreach fees.

Expedited Certification
Safety teams may seek expedited reviews at $5,000 per phase (i.e. Logistics and Strategy Phase Review or Operation and Documentation Phase Review). This is not guaranteed – the team must propose an expedited review timeline (based on the Lasso Safe outline for expedited reviews) and this fee is charged in addition to normal certification fees. It is a flat fee.

Minimum Program Requirements

Minimum Program Requirements (MPRs) ensure that your community is eligible to be Lasso Safe Certified. Before applying for your certification, make sure your community can complete this list.

  1. Security system. Sport communitys must have an up-to-date security system with a third party monitoring solution or corporate security department.
  2. Safety manager. An assigned manager with an aptitude in safety policies/procedures. This manager will be a point of contact for Lasso Safe certification communication. For smaller communitys, this manager can wear multiple hats and manage varying aspects of the community. 
  3. Proof of commercial general liability insurance.
  4. Properly labeled locker rooms and changing areas.
  5. Communities with cafeteria’s onsite: proof of proper food service licenses.

Prerequisites, credits and points

Learn how the components of Lasso Safe work to make certification possible.
Lasso Safe prerequisites, Lasso Safe credits, Lasso Safe points—they all contribute to certification, but how are they different? These three fundamental elements help you achieve Lasso Safe certification for your sport community. 

Lasso Safe certification means safer, more productive places for us to train, compete, work and visit, by encouraging safe- and more profitable sport communities. While community leaders and managers can pick and choose the credits they want to pursue, prerequisites set the minimum requirements that all communitys need to meet in order to achieve Lasso Safe certification.

Additionally, fulfilling the requirements of prerequisites will not earn points. Think of them as base training—without it, you can’t build up to competition training.

These are what truly set your building apart from the rest. You are free to go for any credit you want within your chosen rating system, as long as it applies to your sport division. Certain credits pair well with certain prerequisites or even other credits—we call that an integrated process—which amounts to synergistic benefits.

If prerequisites are base training, then credits are everything else – race training, competition training, even competition performance itself. That is also why credits earn you points. 

The more points, the higher the reward. With Lasso Safe, there are many rewards, ranging from safer spaces to communitys that save money and reduce risk. The number of points a project earns determines the level of Lasso Safe certification it receives. There are four levels of certification:

  • Certified: 100-132 points
  • Bronze: 133-165 points
  • Silver: 166-199 points
  • Gold: 200+ points